Ruby & Ava
Ruby & Ava originates from a 3 year long rain check of creating work together. This is a duet made out of scenes and fragments where sorrow and euphoria go hand in hand. And where emotions, fantasies and the senses are being the physicality and the choreography itself. Just like reality, we are playing games, listening to one another and in some moments becoming one - or becoming furniture. As a playful metamorphose and an expression of the zeitgeist, the two fictional female characters, Ruby & Ava are finely balancing on the cusp in between the digitalized, the hyper, the organic and the awkward. This creation is seemingly a "rebel yell" confronting the future with a loud war cry. Jumping from human connection to complete isolation.
As we leap through the air with one, big, literal "HAPPY NEW YEAR!".

Choreography & dance: Janan Laubscher & Ida Hørlyck Thomsen.
Dramaturgy: Ben Bach
Film, photography & lights:
Assistants:Anna Ilin & Deniz Şimşek

Music: Eric Baldwin & Mica Levi
Voice: Matteus van Rossum
Text: Daft Punk/Jeff Bridges

Ruby & Ava premiered November 2019 at Universität Der Künste, Berlin, Germany, and is the first piece from the collaborative work between Janan Laubscher & Ida Hørlyck Thomsen.
Phillip Treschan
by Janan Laubscher & Ida Hørlyck Thomsen
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